Friday, September 29, 2006


Music: Dust, "Walk in the Soft Rain"

Hey, lovelies (I've taken to your usage of that -- seems nicer than "bloggies" or the equivalent)! Among other things, I've been playing around with hand-coloring black and white pictures. Very low-tech, but yields good results more often than not. I may do that with some of your portraits, ones that I really like.

Invariably, as fall approaches (my favorite season, even though it works over my allergies), I get the urge to do more art -- probably manifested by the inability to go outside and play! Anyway, I want to fill the apartment's white walls with creations. If anything looks good, I'll photograph it and post it for your viewing pleasure, my friends!

I'm partial to conceptual art -- I keep notebooks where I jot ideas down, things I'd like to make, but lack the discretionary income to create. Always a frustration, although lately I've thought about making them using other materials, simpler, cheaper things, and still hopefully honoring the original idea. That way, it's not just stuck on paper (or in my head), and it lets me try the idea out almost as a model of the actual piece I have in mind.

In other news, I sent out five stories this week to various publications; fingers crossed! We'll see. If anything wonderful happens, you'll be the first to know!

Have a good weekend, lovelies! Oh, and here's a fun toy, getting you ready for winter...

Line Rider



Admin said...

good luck with your stories, and can't wait to see your artwork!!

Admin said...

just writing to let you know that whenever i leave a comment on your blog, i end up with an email that says "undeliverable mail". i think you may have an old email address registered with blogger....

Daibh said...

I think I fixed the problem, so let me know if it still gives you trouble.