Saturday, October 07, 2006

Sleep Debt

Insufficient sleep over the past several days. Stop.

Older child battling cold. Stop.

Younger child teething. Stop.

Don't know how much longer I can go without decent sleep. Stop.

Sleep is for suckers, lovelies! Stop.

No, it's not. Stop.

I'm frickin' tired. Stop.

Talk to you soon. Stop.


Admin said...

i've been sleeping crappy, too. i bought my very first bottle of sleeping pills and took my first one last night. it worked like a charm.

Admin said...

about your email....don't worry about me!!! i know they're only to be used sparingly.....but what's worse....driving a car when you've had little to no sleep with your son in the back or taking the odd sleeping pill and feeling well-rested the next day?? i usually avoid pills, almost to a fault.

Daibh said...

I'm very silly, yes!