Sunday, December 31, 2006

Last Meme for 2006

Thanks to Vesper (of course!), my last meme for 2006...

Do you own a gun? Yes.

What do you think of hot dogs? I try not to; I almost like'em, but usually avoid'em. I like brats better, but avoid those, too.

What do you prefer to drink in the morning? Water.

Can you do push-ups? Yes, but they suck.

What’s your favorite piece of jewelry? I don't have one.

What is your secret weapon to lure the opposite sex? I don't usually have to lure; gals either like me or they don't. They probably like my puppydog smile or my sense of humor or my wit.

Middle name? Tyler.

Name 3 thoughts at this exact moment:

1. Wow, Vesper's middle name is "Michelle."
2. Gosh, I feel like I could puke.
3. Why am I sweating?

Name 3 drinks you regularly drink:

1. water
2. beer
3. V8 Juice Fusion (Strawberry and Banana)

What time did you wake up today? 6:30 a.m.

Current hate? I can't think of one; I'm a lover, not a hater.

Favorite place to be? Home with my little ones.

Least favorite place to be? My job.

Where would you like to go? Europe, for like a year.

Do you own slippers? No, but I could use some titanium ones, b/c I stub my toes all the time.

What shirt are you wearing? White t-shirt.

Do you burn or tan? I burn, and fast.

Favorite color(s)? Blue.

Would you be a pirate? Yeah, if I could bathe once in awhile.

What is your favorite holiday? Halloween.

What songs do you sing in the shower? Whatever comes to mind; I usually hum, instead of singing.

What did you fear was going to get you at night as a child? Bigfoot.

What’s in your pockets right now? My jammy pants pockets are empty.

Last thing that made you laugh? Something on VH1's "I Love the 80s."

Best bed sheets as a child? I never had special bed sheets; I just always liked how cool they were when I first got in'em.

Worst injury you’ve ever had? Injury? As in something inflicted on me? Broken heart, I suppose; I'm generally pretty tough, and haven't been badly hurt. If I had to pin it down to something physical, it would be the rollerblading accident I had this year. I really scraped the hell out of my left calf. I still have a scar from it, from my ankle to my knee. Probably have that scar the rest of my life.

Are your parents still together? My folks divorced when I was 5. My mom remarried, and is still married to my stepdad. My real dad cycled through some more wives before he settled on his last one.

Do you wish on shooting stars? I always forget to.

What is your favorite book(s)? Ralph Ellison's Invisible Man always blows me away, languagewise. I love Huck Finn.

What is your favorite candy? Butterscotches are nice, but I almost never have'em.

How is the weather outside right now? It was cool and rainy all day. It's cool and dark outside, now, but appears to not be raining.

What was your first thought this morning when you woke up? "What time is it? 6:30? Shit, I slept in late!


Admin said...

why does my middle name make you think "wow"?? just curious. :)

Daibh said...

K: I think I thought maybe you transcended the banality of a middle name -- when I read your blog, I always think in terms of "Vesper" -- like Cher or Madonna, a one-word name, like a character or a role. It wasn't a "wow" for the name itself, exactly. Does that make sense?