Friday, February 16, 2007


Wow, this blog's dying by inches (or centimeters, if you're metrically-inclined). Either everybody's lurking, or nobody's coming around anymore. Not that I blame you. I've been boring myself, too!

I made this one a sanctuary from some human flotsam that was dogging me on some earlier blogs, and in that respect, this place has remained flotsam-free. But also, it's always been a kind of secret satellite around my main blog, which is linked to my profile, if you'd like to drop by where things are generally more active.

So, I'll mothball this blog for the time being, and focus on the other one. The only thing I'd ask if you turn up at the core blog is that you don't refer to this blog there, because there are still some toxic lurkers on that one, and I wouldn't want them to be able to backtrack to this one.

Not like it's a big problem; if they did turn up here, I'd just delete this blog and be done with it. The reason I haven't fragged my latest core blog is because I'd torched two earlier blogs before creating this one as a refuge -- and I decided I didn't want to keep nuking blogs just because of some psycho stalkers.

Anyway, thanks for your time and attention here, whoever you are! Just click on the blog on my profile and you'll see me again.

Otherwise, nothing's cooking here until further notice.

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