Thursday, January 18, 2007

10 Signs...

Boy, can I relate to this, jobwise...

Ten Ways to Know It's Time to Go
A Job-Change Checklist
By Caroline Levchuck

No matter how much you love your job, you may not love it all the time.
Folks with the most fulfilling of professions can still find themselves
battling a case of the "Sunday Night Blues." And, from time to time, we may
all feel a sense of disenchantment with our employer or our co-workers.

But how can you know when it's really time to go? Here's a hint: If more
than half of the following statements ring true for you, get your resume
ready and start connecting with new opportunities today.

1. You start to dread Monday as soon as you leave work on Friday.


2. It becomes more and more difficult to get up for work each day, and
tardiness becomes a way of life.

[Check, except reverse tardiness -- wanting to leave early]

3. You cannot muster enthusiasm for anything related to work -- other than
your paycheck.


4. You spend most of your time complaining to colleagues or about your


5. You act defensive and even hostile in company meetings when there's
little cause for it.

[Check, in terms of general not-wanting to be there.]

6. You interact less and less with co-workers, shutting yourself away in
your office and avoiding opportunities to socialize.


7. You've used up all your sick, personal, and vacation days -- and the year
isn't even half over.

[Hahah! -- not yet, although working on it.]

8. You're constantly putting off until tomorrow what you could (and should)
do today. When you do actually commit to doing your work, you feel

[Not really.]

9. You're bitter about the company's success or that of a co-worker.


10. You have no professional goals related to your job, and you have a hard
time even making some up at your obligatory performance review.

[Hahah! "Obligatory performance review" -- Check! My goal is escape.]


Sauntering Soul said...

My answers to this list are exactly the reason I turned in my notice last Friday and my last day at my current employer is January 31. Yippee! On to better things!

Daibh said...

Congrats! I can't wait to give notice where I work.