Monday, August 14, 2006


Music: the Sonics, "The Witch"

For the helluvit, I sent a few poems out. Keep in mind: I'm no poet, chums! I'm a prose writer. That's what I do. But I decided, on a whim, to swan-dive and send out some poems. They'll surely be rejected, but I didn't care, wanted to do it, anyway. I sent out five of them. Damn the torpedoes, all of that.

Sorry everything's been so boring of late. I've been pretty depressed lately, just a general sort of bleakness leavened with loneliness.

I just learned that my head boss is leaving in about a week from tomorrow. We had a good work relationship, although my worry is who will replace her. There's a veritable rogues' gallery of bad choices, and I'm kind of worried about that. Also worried about getting canned, of course.

But enough of that. I've got a crush on this guitar. Isn't it awesome? Such a gorgeous blue. Pity it's way out of my price range. But what a sharp guitar. I want it!

Music: Aimee Mann, "It's Not"

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