Wednesday, August 30, 2006


Music: the Specials, "Concrete Jungle"

I set my iTunes to play songs in order of last played, and I inverted it so it'd play ones I haven't played for awhile, which is kind of fun, in that some songs I'd forgotten that I'd added are suddenly appearing.

Our server's being all slow right now, so I'm waiting for work to go through it, hence me being here, jotting a sliver of an entry.

I passed the 40K mark on the story I've been working on all summer. I'm taking a week off in Florida next week, and plan to finish the book then. First draft, mind you -- I'm fussy about revision. The story's not quite where I want it to be -- I liken first drafts to a first wash of paint on a picture. I'll be glad when I'm done with it, because I've got a lot of short stories I want to get to. I hope to get this longer piece queried to agents by mid-autumn.

What else? Nothing jumps right to mind.

Music: Sluts of Trust, "Let's..."

1 comment:

Admin said...

i'm so glad you're posting regularly again! ;)