Sunday, May 07, 2006

C.O.D. 8

Group Hug, as usual. Oh, that reminds me: PostSecret should have their new cards out today.


I often pretend that we are at war with a bunch of hostile aliens called the skletars. Essentially they look like skeletons and have the ability to turn humans into sketar like beings called sklones. They do this by shooting us with a laser beam which is actually a magneting pulse which carries nano robots which act as a sort of skletar DNA, these nanites eradicate all of our soft tissue leaving deformed skelton like beings that are rough clones of the skletar that infected us.

The war has gone on for some years and we are slowly winning.

I usually act out scenes while alone.

I'm 28, married (my wife is hot - i lucked out) and I have a good job as a web developer.

I'm also a huge sci-fi geek.

I might write a book about it, it's cheesy enough to sell.


my hat is so cool!!!


I spend all day talking to a bunch of idiots on the internet because I am a sad little irish man with no spuds left to pick. there aren't even any English people here for me to kill anymore. I don't know what to do anymore.


I am a very kind person, have never been in a fight, have never said rude or unkind words to someone directly.

However if someone tells me they like the Olsen twins I may just blow up in their face.

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