Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Shade Shady-Shade

I bumped the post below up a notch, deciding to play ball and add something Sikedelic to the Self-Portrait Tuesday meme, instead.

I think there should be a "Wear Shades All Day" Day. That would be my first holiday. I think that would be cool. I'd love to wear shades at work all day, too. That would rock. I wonder if a person could do that. I mean, if you said the fluorescent lights were hurting your eyes, could they even stop you? I dunno.

It would be a celebration of all things shade-related -- style, beauty, aloofness, anonymity, desire to be left alone, rock-n-roll, glamour, trash, etc.

What day should it be? Maybe on the Summer Solstice? The longest day of the year? Any suggestions for Wear Shades All Day Day (WSADD)? Rampant wearing of shades make me think of the mighty Swervedriver...

"Last Train to Satansville"

1 comment:

Daibh said...

Not a problem!