Tuesday, May 02, 2006


Okay, honoring Maddy's request, here are the opening paragraphs of four of the books I'm sending out chapters for to hopefully catch the eye of agents, like puffing on a dandelion gone to seed. These won't have much meaning outside of the stories they belong to, but so what?

Also, I'm eventually going to start a fiction blog. I'll let you know when that's up and running.

Book 1:

"The labyrinthine swirl of steel and glass spread-eagled before him in incomparable complexity, a puzzle without a solution, dazzling, almost fractal in the endless iterations that seemed to replicate themselves in the same, pointless pattern. Shiny metal painted glossy reds and pumpkin glazes, champagne toasts and golf-course greens between lavender blues and ski-slope silvers, egg yolk yellows competed with broken-shell whites—and if the colors weren’t enough, there were people milling endlessly between them, coming, going, back and forthing, without rhyme or reason."

Book 2:

"Let’s be straight: I’m not some skanky homewrecker, okay? Nick came along with his own issues, and I just happened to be there, and I thought he needed some help, so I helped. It’s not my fault that he got divorced. Okay, maybe it’s partly my fault, but the baggage was there way before I came along."

Book 3:

"I used to be Jack Deth, like the guy from Trancers except that I’m not like him cuz he’s old and slicked back, while I’m young and spiked up. But I liked his name, so I took it. And they took it from me. Just like that. Now I’m 'Jack Jealous' for anyone paying attention."

Book 4:

"They came for Lynch before sunrise. Nothing fancy, just the gleam of a flashlight in his face and the point of a pistol to his forehead."

1 comment:

Daibh said...

Thanks! Nabokov is one of my fave writers, along with Salinger, Hemingway, and Heller. Hopefully some agents will think the same! And then lots of readers! ;)