Tuesday, September 19, 2006

60 Questions


1) Do you talk in your sleep? Sometimes. I'm far more likely to laugh in my sleep than talk.

2) Ocean or pool? Ocean. I love the ocean.

3) What song is on your iPod right now? The Zombies, "Whenever You're Ready." I love that song.

4) Current crush? She knows who she is.

5) What's your favorite color(s)? Blue. Also, kelly green. And burgundy.

6) Window seat or aisle seat? Window. I like to see.

7) Ever met anyone famous? Actually met them? Not that I can remember. I talked with Noam Chomsky by e-mail a few times.

8) Do you feel that you've had a truly successful life? Not remotely.

9) Do you twirl your spaghetti or cut it? Twirl, of course.

10) Ricki Lake or Oprah Winfrey? Neither. Gimme a break.

11) Baseball or Football? Baseball.

12) How long do your showers last? Ten minutes, almost without exception or effort on my part.

13) Do you know how to drive a stick? Yes. It's fun.

14) Cake or ice cream? Cake, if forced to choose. Cake rules.

15) Are you self-conscious? Sure. What's the alternative, being self-unconscious? Or conscious of others?

16) Have you ever given money to a bum? Why, yes. I've given them food, too.

17) Have you been in love? Three times. First time, I didn't know any better; second time, I just knew it; third time, I should have known better, but didn't.

19) Have you ever ridden in an ambulance? No, I haven't.

20) Can you tango? No, but I can fake it admirably. I'm a good dancer.

21) Last gift you received? A CD, probably. Suede's "Coming Up."

22) Last sport you played? Flew a kite over the ocean; does that count as a sport?

23) What would you like to spend a lot of time doing? Writing. Always writing. I could write all day if I didn't have to worry about money.

24) Last wedding attended? It's been a number of years; it was in Wisconsin, where I watched a guy make the worst mistake of his life, but sure couldn't tell him.

25) Favorite FAST food restaurant? Subway.

26) Most hated food? Jello.

27) Can you sing? Yes. And I can harmonize, too.

28) Last person that called you? My mom. She's about the only person who still phones; very old-school!

29) What're your least favorite chores? Having a full-time job; I don't mind chore-chores like dishwashing, that kind of stuff.

30) Favorite drink? Mai Tai, when I stop to think about it.

31) Are your parents married or divorced? They divorced when I was five.

32) Are you a vegetarian? Not so much; more like opportunistic carnivore, or general omnivore. I mostly get my protein from soy, but if you put a pork chop in front of me, I'll eat it. However, I don't eat beef -- I stopped eating beef when I was 19, when I read that guys could halve their risk of heart disease by cutting beef from their diet, and you know what: it's true! My heart is in great shape, my blood pressure, tip-top!

33) Do you believe in Heaven? God, no.

34) Favorite Show? Project Runway. Designers amaze me.

35) What jewelry do you wear? A necklace with a shark's tooth on it. A wedding ring.

36) Are you eating? Not right now.

37) Do you eat the stems of broccoli? Yeah, because I abhore wasted, but I don't like'em. I like to get broccoli that's florets only. As a kid, I called that the "Brock" and the stems were the "Lee."

38) Do you keep commitments? If I make them, sure. I'm loathe to make commitments, but once made, my word is good.

39) Can you dance? Yes.

40) Would you ever have plastic surgery? I turned down the chance for a nose job when I was 17 (got a deviated septum operation, and they offered a nose job as well; I said "I was born with my nose; I'm going to keep it").

41) What do you wear to bed? Nothing. If it's winter, a t-shirt.

42) Have you ever done anything illegal? Yes, but nothing serious.

43) Can you roll your tongue? Yes, in a rare way -- I can make both side of it curl inward, making my tongue look kind of like a shamrock.

44) What kind of shoes are you wearing? I'm wearing tan chukka boots. They look sharp.

45) What is your hair color? Ash blonde.

46) Future child's name? I have two boys; they're already named. If you'd like to know their names, I'll e-mail you them.

47) Do you snore? Curiously, only when I'm coming down with a cold.

48) If you could go anywhere in the world where would it be? Europe. I'd spend a year there if I could, just taking my time, taking it in.

49) Do you sleep with a stuffed animal? Hell, no. Women who do that kind of weird me out.

50) If you won the lottery, what would you do first? Quit my job.

51) Gold or silver? Silver. I like silver better, can't quite relate to gold.

52) If you could meet anybody in history, who would it be? Jesus. Why not?

53) City, beach or country? Beach. City. Country.

54) What was the last thing you touched? Besides keyboard? Bag of Sun Chips.

55) Where did you eat out last? Nookies. They make great food. Try'em sometime, but do it after the morning rush, when all the weekenders are having their morning-after breakfasts.

56) When's the last time you cried? Like a real cry, not just some tears? Months ago.

57) Do you read blogs? Sometimes, if I like the people.

58) Would you ever go out dressed like the opposite sex? Oh, already did that -- my older stepsisters dressed me up as an old lady for Halloween when I was like 10 or something. They put me in actual old lady clothes with panty hose and makeup and a wig and an old hat and pearls and granny glasses. They were very thorough.

59) Ever been involved with the police? Yes, but never my fault -- just as a spectator. Although one time a cop picked me up to take me to court because I'd witnessed him taking down a shoplifter at a department store I worked at, and he wanted me as a potential witness, but it turned out the shoplifter didn't show up at court, so I wasn't needed.

60) Do you have pets? Two cats: Newt and Jinx. They're old, too -- we got them back in 1992.

1 comment:

Daibh said...

Yes, I'm a total meme addict, I'll admit! :)