Friday, September 15, 2006

Ad hoc duck pond

Music: Alice Cooper, "Ballad of Dwight Fry"

I saw something wonderful this morning, had to jot it down -- in a park in Chicago, an area where, somehow, a heavy rainfall had left a great pool of water in what had been lawn before, creating a great pond of significant size. It's probably one or two hundred feet in diameter (??) and it was occupied by seagulls, ducks, and Canada geese. I wanted to snap a photo of it, but didn't have my camera handy. The way the water caught the light and reflections of the city, the avian congress holding court in peace. It's neat, looked like something Amy would've captured in a picture.

I'll try to remember next week, in hopes that the pond is still there. We'll see.


Amy said...

You're sweet. You know, I always find myself without my camera at the worst times! I hope you can get a photo of that pond. It sounds beautiful and totally something that I would have photographed! I have an email for you in my draft folder. I'll finish it soon. I've been working six days a week, so I'm exhausted...

Daibh said...

I'm going to bring my camera today; hopefully the pond'll still be there, and the light'll be obliging.