Monday, September 25, 2006

Yes and No

I took this from Amy...


1. A Cuddler?
Yes. I'm a hugger, too -- I love hugs, including getting them.

2. A morning person?
Yes. I'm also a night person. You figure it out.

3. Are you a perfectionist?
Definitely not -- inspired improviser, that's me! Always a tactician, never a strategist!

4. An only child?
Yes and no. I have no biological siblings; I have two older stepsisters, but they're 6+ years older than me. So, kind of both an only and also not. It gets lonely sometimes; I wish I had a blood sibling.

5. Catholic:
No, although I've been to plenty of Catholic masses.

6. In your pajamas?

7. Currently suffering from a broken heart?
Maybe halfway broken; like a crack without a complete split.

8. Okay styling other people's hair?
Baahah. Not.

9. Left handed?

10. Addicted to MySpace?
No. MySpace is really boring.

11. Shy around the opposite gender?
It depends if I am attracted to them or not. If yes, then yes; if no, then no problem.

12. Loud?
Yeah; I try not to be, but years of rock music probably didn't do my ears much justice.


12. Bite your nails?

13. Get paranoid at times?
Always; I remember a quote that stuck with me, saying that anybody living in the USA who wasn't paranoid must be crazy! Nowadays, more so than ever!

14. Currently regret something that you have said/done?
Not in recent memory; I can rationalize almost anything away, although I feel guilty for almost everything I do.

15. Curse frequently when you get mad?
I've been cursing steadily and reliably since 1979, when I was at summer camp, and reasoned (to my fellow tentmates) that since our folks weren't around, we could swear with impunity; so we all began doing it.

16. Enjoy country music?
Only old Country music.

17. Enjoy jazz music?
Some. Like Miles Davis's "Kind of Blue" -- and only in certain moods. I respect Jazz, even though I'm much more of a Rocker at heart.

18. Enjoy smoothies?
Yes. Jamba Juice rocks.

19. Enjoy talking on the phone?
I'd rather be in person.

20. Have a lot to learn?
I dunno; if I'm ignorant of things, then I'm ignorant of them, and am not aware of needing to learn them, eh? A very American condition.

21. Have a pet?
Two old cats.

22. Have a tendency to fall for the "wrong" person?
Not a chance; I'm too picky.

23. Have all your grandparents died?
Yes; they're all gone, now. Last one died on Labor Day. He was 100 years old.

24. Have at least one sibling?
Still no blood siblings, you tool.

25. Have been told that you are smart?
Yeah, they have. I've also been told I'm smart-assed, so there you go.

26. Have had a broken bone?
I think I broke my left middle finger, but never got it set or anything, because the damage was right at the joint.

27. Have Caller I.D. on your phone?


28. Changed a diaper?
Of course. Many, many diapers.

29. Changed alot over the past year?
God, yes.

30. Had friends who have never seen your natural hair color?
Hahah -- such a girlie question, there. My hair's always natural.

31. Had surgery?
Three times.

32. Killed anyone?

33. Had your haircut within the last week?


1. Slept in the bed beside you?

2. Saw you cry?

3. Went to the movies with you?

4. You went to the mall with?

5. You went to dinner with?

6. You talked to on the phone?

7. Said 'I love you' to you and meant it?
Wife and sons.

8. Broke your heart?

9. Made you laugh?
My sons; they crack me up. That picture I posted of Mister Strawberry Face cracks me up.


1. Pierce your nose or tongue?

2. Be serious or be funny?
I am funny and serious; best of both worlds!

3. Drink whole or skim milk?
Soy milk. I hate real milk; it grosses me out.

4. Die in a fire or drown?
Christ, what a nasty question. I'll say "fire" if it means I can fly into the Sun. That might be interesting.

5. Spend time with your parents or enemies?
Parents, I guess. I have few enemies worth associating with.


1. What time is it?
2:45 p.m. CST

2. Name?

3. Nickname(s)?
Davis. Davey. Dude (people tend to call me "Dude" or "the Dude" and it sticks).

4. Where were you born?
St. Louis, Missouri

5. What is your birthdate?
April 16, 1970

6. What do you want?
Early retirement based on my bestselling fiction, which has given me fame and fortune and a kickass Asian-themed minimalist place by the ocean on a glorious beach, perhaps in Hawaii.

7. Where do you want to live?
Anyplace is good, so long as I can do what I like.

8. How many kids do you want?
Two boys is what I have. Kinda wish I had a daughter, but can't imagine a third kid, frankly.


Daibh said...

I just had a Mango-a-go-go last night. That's my favorite Jamba, gotta say. Get that with a fiber boost, and it's a meal! :)

Amy said...

MySpace is boring, but I think the design is just truly awful. It's just kind of...dirty. That's the feeling I get when I visit those pages. Anyway, I loved your answers to this meme. You always have the best response!

Daibh said...

Ames -- I agree with that; MySpace is an aesthetic nightmare for so many reasons. Glad you liked my answers. I just fire off the first thing that occurs to me! :)