Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Chocolate and butter

My older boy has discovered Butterfingers; one of his post-Halloween discoveries, after trick-or-treating. Butterfingers are good! He calls them "chocolate and butter" -- which cracks me up. "Can I have a Chocolate and Butter, Daddy?"

So, the story I was sure would get picked up got dissed in less than a week. Very annoying. I've been combing through my 2006 Novel and Short Story Writer's Market to find other venues for the story. It's sort of challenging, because it's over 8,500 words long, which is long for a short story, which diminishes the range of mags/journals I can send it to. But the story needed to be as long as it was.

Anyway, it's frustrating. But I know the story's good, and so I'll press on.

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