Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Meme Team

from Vesper's Escape, natch...

Someone knocks on your door at 2am, who do you want it to be? The Publisher's Clearinghouse Prize Patrol.

Your boss tells you he/she will give you a $20 raise if you'll do your job naked, do you stay and take the raise? Nope. I call a lawyer. Or Amy, since I want some kickass negotiation for this.

Put yourself in a nutshell. Pecans; I like'em best.

Ever see a ghost? I don't believe in ghosts, but yes.

Happy with your body? Mostly okay with it; would be nice if it was immortal.

A reason to move to Iceland. Volcanoes.

A place you've lived that you miss. A loft apartment.

A job you'd never do, no matter how much you were paid. Customer Service -- done it, and it's hell.

A band/group you thought was cool when you were 13. Def Leppard.

You have a nightmare, who's the first person you think to call? I wouldn't call anybody!

A memory from high school. Buying Heidi flowers but not telling her they were from me, because I was too shy.

Ever had a crush on a friend's parent? Lance's mom; she had it going on.

Do you look more like your mom or dad? My dad.

Something you've always wanted to learn to do. Play guitar really well.

How you'd like your life to be in 10 years. I will be almost 47 in ten years. I want to be a well-established and successful writer, living in a kickass house on a kickass beach.

Something you learned this year. That I'm nearly old.

What do you want for your birthday? A book deal.

Name 4 things you did yesterday.
Took younger son to doctor for immunizations.
Went to lunch at Dixie Kitchen.
Stopped by Home Depot for some stuff.
Took the boys trick-or-treating.

Last item you bought yourself. A book on hypomania.

What did you have for breakfast. Cheerios.

Name the last 3 songs you heard.

Black Sabbath tunes ("Hole In the Sky", "Symptom of the Universe", and "Megalomania")

How many hours of sleep do you get each night? Maybe 7.5, if I'm really lucky. Usually less. I haven't slept 8 hours since, I dunno, 1999.

What do you wish you were doing right now? Sleeping in, because I didn't have a job (because I was independently wealthy).

Who's the first person in your phone book on your cell? I have no cellphone.

Last time you witnessed a fight? Fistfight or argument? Fistfight would've been 1996 (saw some guys beating on another guy; they were all drunk. I called the cops, who came up and broke it up). Argument would be this summer -- saw a couple having a HUGE, curbside argument. Very distressing, both the woman's angry upset, and the guy's blasé dorkishness.

Name 3 places you'd like to travel to.

Do you know how to ice skate? Yes. Not terribly well, but I can move around.

Name something you like that's out of the ordinary. Brussels Sprouts.

Is bigger really better? Boobwise? Nah. I prefer quality to quantity.

What do you think of Brad Pitt? I don't.

Do you own anything with a skull on it? Yes. I have a clear plastic skull on my work desk, in fact; I put pennies in its eye sockets and purple Mardi Gras beads inside its skull. I call it "Skully."

Last movie you watched. The House of Flying Daggers.

Where were you when you had your first kiss? Movie theater, I guess, watching "Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom" -- that's the first kiss I remembered, anyway.

Last board game you played? Elvisopoly.

Leather or lace? Depends on the context, and who's wearing it. A woman in lace is sexy to me; a woman in leather, that's also sexy.

Ever had a black eye? Yes, indeed.

Have you ever worn fishnet stockings? Nope.

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