Saturday, July 29, 2006

Dog Days

Man, is it ever hot today. Tuh. I'm just trying to keep cool in the a/c, playing my guitar. It's one of those kind of days, I think. A very Saturday kind of thing.

I definitely need to start looking for new jobbage; with my boss leaving, all protection for our department will be gone in a month's time, during a time of reorganization. Yowza! So, that's one of my ongoing projects, now -- get new job, STAT!

Of course, in George Bush's America, if you're not in the petrochemical or military industries, good-paying work's not so easy to come by. Sigh.


Admin said...

move to canada. ;)

Amy said...

It is so hot today and the humidity sucks. I read that it's supposed to get even hotter.

Good luck with the job search...Are you planning on staying in Chicago? I don't think that I could ever leave!

Daibh said...

K: I don't think I qualify as "skilled labor" in Canadian terms -- I'm just a humble editor! :)