Thursday, July 27, 2006

So long...

Music: Suede, "Together"

I'm in a funk right now. Annoying. Just for fun, I made a MySpace account (don't bother looking, you'd never find me!) just to see what could possibly motivate 95 million people to use something, and was amazed at how crappy their setup and their servers are. Blogger, even on bad days, is positively stately and grand by comparison. MySpace sucks! Even the layout is like the electronic equivalent of epilepsy! It was fun to link to a few of my favorite bands' sites, but aside from the obvious meatmarketry of MySpace, why anybody would honestly use it is beyond me. Social networking, my ass!

They updated our e-mail on our workplace system, changing us from Eudora to MS Outlook; still getting used to that.

Oh, and my head boss is leaving for another gig. I need to get out of this place, soon. I'll look in Chicagoland first, and then eyeball NYC and LA, see what I can scare up, jobwise.


Admin said...

i have a myspace. mostly to keep track of band's touring schedules...

i'm kristen on myspace. i wonder how many kristens there are.....hmmmm

Daibh said...

Probably like 20 million! ;)