Thursday, July 20, 2006

Dread, sorrow, and shame

From a NYT article...

“The country has been torn to shreds,” a desperate Lebanese prime minister, Fouad Siniora, said at a meeting he had called of foreign diplomats, including the American ambassador.

“Is this the price we pay for aspiring to build our democratic institutions?” he asked in a bitter and emotional speech. “Can the international community stand by while such callous retribution by the state of Israel is inflicted on us?”

What people may have forgotten is that Lebanon had those elections earlier, leading to the surprise electoral win by Hamas. The demolishing of Lebanon is likely to end up helping Islamist radicals enormously, as they can say to the moderates: "Look what happens when you try to build a state! Israel just smashes it down!" The worst thing for Hamas was being charged with running a state -- dealing with public works, being accountable to voters, etc. It's comparatively easy for them to focus on guerrilla warfare with Israel. Given the huge disparity in military strength between US-funded Israel and Arab-funded Hezbollah, it's going to make guerrilla war ongoing and inevitable.

Our policy in the region has been locked in place since about 1967. It needs to change. Otherwise just endless cycles of bloodshed.

I know we're not supposed to/allowed to talk and think about the Middle East in any way other than "Israel 100%! Kill the Arabs!" but if any area needs honest attention from America, it's our policy there.

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