Monday, May 22, 2006


Poor Amy received some anonymous hatemail because she'd written about having children at a young age -- two beautiful daughters (one when she was 18, one when she was 21). I think it's ridiculous than anybody would pass judgment on something like that. It's laudable that Amy chose life, frankly, given the alternative. To me, it says everything in the world that: a) Amy had her two daughters; and b) is proud of that accomplishment; while c) Ms. Anonymous engages in a cowardly, hateful attack, and d) Amy graciously forgives her attacker.

It's difficult to fathom what Anonymous's beef is with Amy. I mean, should she have put her career first? Or is the attacker taking some kind of weird puritanical stance with her?? Either way, I think the picture of her daughters that she posted was the best refutation she could offer. I think it's great that Amy's young enough to enjoy so much time with her daughters.

There is no job that's more thankless and difficult and rewarding than parenting. There's no perfect time to have a child, frankly -- when you're really young, you're healthier and have more energy, but may not be fully-formed in your personality; if you're older, you may be more established, but you're not as robust, and often might have competing priorities that take away from the time with your children.

For Anonymous to judge Amy (or anybody else in that situation), though, is just wrong. Especially since she's obviously a good, caring, loving parent, which is the most vital and important thing a person can be to their children.


Daibh said...

I know; it's really weird. Either they just don't like Amy, they're evil, or they're nutters, or else they've got some bone to pick.

That they'd post anonymously just compounds the offense, really.

Amy said...

Wow. Thank you so much for your kind words, David. My heart is so full because of them. Truly, you have brightened my day. So sweet...

Daibh said...

Sure thing, Amy; I can sympathize -- this whole blog arose in reaction to some cybernonsense; it's a sanctuary of mine of sorts, where I escaped from some folks who were slagging me!

The Net is wonderful, but it makes some people less civil to each other, too.

boho girl said...
