Thursday, May 25, 2006

Poetry Thursday

For a special friend, wherever she may be.


Chocolate gaze candy-wrapped in amber,
sweetly chimerical smile beguiles
and entrances lucky few who know her.

I'm one, just one, and a fortunate son
to have drawn a line from Me to She
inked by love and courtliest passion.

I don't have the skill to do her justice.

She is better rendered with brushstrokes.
And here I sit without a pot of paint!

To say She's my Muse would only confuse;
she's precious, and so much more than that:
There are just too many words I could choose.

Later: I kind of wonder whether "Cinnamon gaze..." might work better than chocolate. Hmm. Because it would kind of resonate with "Cinnamon glaze" -- see? And maybe the flow is better.

Cinnamon gaze candy-wrapped in amber...


Amy said...

Beautiful. Sike, this moved me, truly. I read it over and over again. I'm going to print it out and paste it into my poetry scrapbook. STUNNING.

Daibh said...

Thanks, Amy! Glad you liked it! You'd have laughed to see me sweating while writing it, trying to wrangle the words together, keep the syllable counts consistent, etc.

Daibh said...

AA: Thanks! No, she hasn't seen it, at least not yet. I haven't quite ironed out the verse to my satisfaction, but thought I'd post it on "Poetry Thursday" anyway, force myself reach an ending. I really do break into a sweat when I write, like from all the brain-concentration! Hahah!

boho girl said...

this took my breath away.
you do have a big heart,
and it is full of poetry.

beautiful poetry.

you have a gift.

love to you,

ps. your comment really touched me today. i woke up feeling a bit sad and scared again and now that feeling is gone.

Daibh said...

BG: It'll all be alright, you'll see! You and your hubs deserve nothing but goodness.

Maddy: Thanks! She read it; she loved it!

I'm not actually a proper poet-boy -- much more comfortable with prose, but she makes me get all lyrical, so I'm really the lucky one!