Wednesday, June 21, 2006

The Longest Day

Happy Summer Solstice, Blogiverse -- the Longest Day, the Day Without End.

I wrote up two query letters for agencies -- this is for two of the books I've written (Books 2 and 3 in this case). It's a huge longshot, of course, but a shot that has to be taken! I'm also pimping out a short story collection, seeing if I can get any agents interested in that (13 stories -- go with the lucky 13). We'll see. I'm stubborn and foolish, so I'll gladly leap over the wall sans parachute, dagger between my teeth, and see what happens! I have nothing to lose but hope and pride. Hahah! If I can snag an agent, then I'll do a happy dance. I'm happy to write away, let somebody else find markets for what I write.

Once again, it's cool in Chicagoland. So far, the weather's been pretty kind, but July and August await, and those can be really miserable around here, especially if the power goes out because too many people have air conditioners on and our deteriorating infrastructure can't handle it.

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