Thursday, June 01, 2006

Poetry Thursday

Bohemian Girl has inspired me to keep at the Poetry Thursday thing. Thanks, BG!


Indigo morning sky
overcast and enigmatic
with a jade splinter between
twin cloud promontories,
motionless without wind.

It's what I see outside:
living room apartment window
is like an unblinking glass eye
offering up the dawn --
my slice of solitude.

Twilight comes twice a day.
Morning brings me hope and promise
nighttime leaves me spent, exhausted
Promises break both ways,
and never so cleanly.


boho girl said...

oh are truly a poet.

this is absolutely moving and i am honored to have inspired you.

i hope to see more each Thursday.


Daibh said...

Thanks, Boho! I'm so glad you liked this one. I think it turned out okay!