Tuesday, April 18, 2006


Saw two really tall brunette gals on the train today (maybe 5'11"). One was really pretty; the other, less so. The pretty one had a kind of babyface, and a radiantly white smile -- funny how omnipresent tooth-bleaching tech is these days. She had kind-looking eyes when she looked at her friend, though I thought she'd plucked her eyebrows too much -- those Marlene Dietrich brows always give me the heebie jeebies. Oddly enough, I like nice eyebrows on a gal -- if they're overplucked, it makes me think she's neurotic or something. Audrey Hepburn had pretty decent gal eyebrows.


Anonymous said...

Eyebrows...I never pluck. It hurts too bad and I think it makes girls look cheap. Running around, with tiny little eyebrows. Obviously, I'm a Hepburn girl myself. ;)

Daibh said...

I have a thing for girl eyebrows, like nicely shaped ones. Penciled-in eyebrows make me want to run away.