Wednesday, April 19, 2006


Today, today, I'll work on my resumé; well, add the new stuff since January. And when I say "today" I mean "tonight" -- don't want to do it right now. After that, new jobbage. Gonna ditch the nonprofit world once and for all. Nonprofit has all the politics and corruption that's perceived to be in the for-profit world, but doesn't pay as well. Sooo....

This is from a few years ago (work-related; names changed, obviously), sampling some of the daily workflow as if it were an episode of 24:

Now I have this image of the cut-in scene techniques, with multiple faces/events going on at once...

HG: We're screwed. No way can we make this deadline.
Baron: You think?
HG: Yeah.

(same time)

Jungle (sweating): No way can I get all of these manuscripts done myself. (takes gun out from desk, toys with it, brings gun to forehead).

(same time)

Charlie: Christ, why aren't people giving me work? I just don't understand this. I see the schedule, I know the work is there to be done. But why aren't I getting it??

(same time)

Chair: I like teal. It's a pretty color. Yes. And bacon. I like bacon, too.
Jungle (entering): You wanted to talk?
Chair: Did I? I'm talking right now.

>>CUT TO TIMECLOCK<< (with accompanying doom beats counting off the seconds)

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